Monday, December 29, 2008

Life Goes on in Southern Cali

Hello all,
This is one of those updates that my wife and I send every once in a while to let you all know that we are alive and kicking, that life is still good and God is still faithful. We have appreciated all of you and your support and friendship that you have shown us at different points in our lives and so we thought we would just let you know where we are at.
Anya and I are still working at the US Center for World Mission. We work in the publishing department of this interesting and famous ministry. We help publish books on a variety of topics (New Testament textual criticism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Theological Education by Extension, The History of Christian Missions, etc...). We also help develop, publish, distribute, and promote curriculum used in a variety of University programs. Anya also helps alot with an academic journal (the IJFM, that comes out quarterly.
This past year has been a doozy. It started out rough as I was pushing through the last few months of Seminary. I finished and graduated with a Masters of Arts in Theology, Praise the Lord! Now, I am just a regular citizen I guess. It has been odd not going to school, seeing as I went to school for about 90% of my life up until now. My parents and grandparents were able to attend my graduation and it was good to see them. Since graduation I have been recuperating from life in the fast lane (school and work proved to be an exhausting combo for me). I think I am just about reintegrated into life and society, thanks to the patient and loving help my wife has shown me. We are enjoying life and love living in our community house.
For those who didn't realize, my wife and I have lived in large intentional community house (a place where 10-11 young adults commit to living together and sharing responsibilities for cooking and cleaning). Our house is focused on Christian missions and has many residents who have grown up all around the world. We have learned quite a lot from our housemates and are grateful to have been given this opportunity to live in what we call the "Haggai House" (after the biblical book of Haggai).
This October my brother had quite a nasty motorcycle accident. Dalton flew off of his bike and banged his head against a wooden post on the side of the road. Thankfully his helmet absorbed some of the shock and my brother is still alive. However, he has numerous broken bones and has to wear a brace while his spine is trying to heal up. Please pray for Dalton and his family in this difficult time. My parents have been gracious and have opened up their home to Dalton, his wife, and his two precious babies.
On top of Dalton's motorcycle accident, he has been diagnosed with a rare heart disorder. My mom also has been having heart troubles and so my family is very much in need of your prayers right now.
So, this has been our life for the past year. Often we are asked "Weren't you going to Russia sometime?"; or as some people like to ask "Why don't you leave already?"... Well, we are certainly praying and waiting on God to see when we might return to the motherland. Currently we are in discussion with 2 or 3 mission groups in Russia which are all doing great things there. We are hoping to go there sooner rather than later, but we are waiting on God and going one step at a time. My focus lately has been trying to pick up some more of the Russian language.
Please let us know how you and yours are doing. We hope you are well and that these holidays have been a time of rest and centering your life on Jesus Christ, who is our hope and Savior. Feel free to ask more questions about what we are up to. We love to chat, so keep in touch!
Chris and Anya Gandy

Monday, June 02, 2008

Что нового? (Июнь 2008 г.)

Здравствуйте, друзья!
Многие из вас давно от нас ничего не слышали. Как, наверное, и у всех, жизнь у нас была в последний год полная дел и событий. Крис учился в семинарии и работал (и по-прежнему работает) в Международном Университете им. Уильяма Кери, вместе с Аней. Все предметы были интересные, и работа тоже. Мы -- отдел публикаций и разработке учебных материалов при нашем университете. Университет выпускает различные публикации и обучающие материалы для подготовке работников в области международного развития (международные благотворительные организации и пр.) Для нас это замечательная возможность многому учиться.
Хотя семинария была во многих отношениях положительным опытом для Криса, под конец последней четверти он должен был признаться себе, что достиг точки полного перегорания. Аня помогла определить диагноз по характерным симптомам -- постоянная усталость, плохое настроение и вообще отсутсвие радости жизни. Так что Крис приложил свои усилия, с помощью понимающих друзей и их молитв, с блеском закончить четверть в середине марта, и теперь является достойным и почти уже официальным выпускником Богословской Фуллеровской семинарии. Официальное вручение диплома Магистра исскуств в области богословия произойдет 14 июня, в присутствии родных, друзей и остальной тысячи-полутора выпускников.
У многих из вас уже возник вопрос, что же дальше. Для начала мы планируем хорошенько отдохнуть и отдышаться год-полтора здесь в Пасадене. Будем работать на полную ставку, наслаждаться чудесным калифорнийским климатом и обществом замечательных людей, с которыми здесь подружились. Кстати, необходимо упомянуть, что где-то год назад мы переселились в христианский дом-"общежитие", в качестве менеджеров-"родителей." (Не волнуйтесь, у нас своя отдельная квартира в этом доме -- нам не приходится ночевать в отдельных комнатах!) В основном все наши соседи (6-8 человек) -- незамужняя-неженатая молодежь, либо дети миссионеров, либо планирующие стать миссионерами или заниматься каким-либо служением или работать в социальной сфере.
У нас все хорошо, мы ждем, куда дальше позовет нас Господь. Года через полтора, мы так думаем, настанет время всерьез заняться международным служением -- скорее всего, в России. Мы будем рады получить от вас весточку. Да благословит вас Господь во всей вашей деятельности, и даст вам радоваться жизни во всей ее полноте сегодня и сейчас. Ведь Господни благословения в настоящем многого стоят -- так стоит ли нам беспокоиться о завтрашнем дне?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Moving on... and taking a break

Hello everyone,
Many of you have not heard from Anya and I in a long time. Like everyone else we have been pretty busy. Life has been quite a ride. I have been attending seminary and working hard at William Carey International University. My classes were good and work has been a great experience. I work with my wife as a manager of University publications and curriculum development. Our University publishes books and curriculum in use for training workers in the field of International Development (think World Vision, or groups like that). So, we have enjoyed this learning experience greatly.
While seminary was great in many ways, I (Chris) have to be honest in that I reached a real point of burn out. Anya was a great help in diagnosing me (I was constantly sulky, tired and an overall pain to live with). So, I pushed through my final quarter, with the help of good listening friends and the prayers of many of you. AND, I am proud to announce that I have finished Fuller Theological Seminary as of Mid-March. I will walk the stage June 14th to receive a Masters of Arts in Theology.
So, what's next many of you are wondering. For Anya and I we are looking forward to a good year and a half of rest. We plan on working full time, enjoying the California sun, and really investing in the relationships we have made here in Pasadena. I need to mention that somewhere along the way Anya and I moved into a leadership role as the managers of a Christian community house. The house is called the "Haggai House" and it is part of a large missionary community here in town.
We are doing good and looking forward to where God will take us. In a year and a half or so we plan on being in a position to go into full time service overseas, most likely in Russia. I hope to hear from many of you and to share with you more. May you all grow in the Lord and enjoy the life you have been given. I have certainly learned that much in the midst of my work and school, that God's blessings of the present are worth a great deal- so why should we worry too much about what is to come?
